
a tiger: tigre
a penguin: pingüino
a monkey: mono
a leopard: leopardo
a lion: león
a snake: serpiente
a panda: panda
a zebra: cebra
a rhino: rinoceronte
a parrot: loro

a gorilla: gorila
a hippo: hipopótamo
a dolphin: defín
a seal: foca
a tortoise: tortuga
a whale: ballena



They can run  Pueden correr

They can’t fly  No pueden volar

They have got spots  Tienen lunares

They haven’t got stripes  No tienen  rayas.

Now write about these animals:

Zebras  Parrots   Monkeys  Snakes  Pengüins

 Grammar: Actions/Abilities Verb can: poder o saber

  • Jump (saltar), walk (andar), run (correr), fly (volar), swim (nadar), climb (escalar), wriggle(reptar), hunt(cazar), bite(picar).

Parrots can fly: Los loros pueden/saben volar

They can't swim: Ellos no pueden/saben nadar

Can they run? No, they can't: ¿Pueden correr? No pueden.
Can they talk? ¿Pueden hablar? Yes, they can: Si pueden


Can monkeys climb?

Can tigers fly?

Can snakes walk?

Can pengüins swim?

Can leopards run?

Can parrots fly?

Can zebras sing?

Yes, they can   /  No, they can't


Pandas can................
Parrots can't.............
Snakes can................
Pengüins can............
Leopards can...........
Monkeys can't.........

swim - wriggle - fly - run - jump - climb

Animal Body parts
spot: lunares       
stripes: rayas        
fur: pelo                
tail: cola                
feathers: plumas   
wings: alas            

teeth: dientes 
claws: garras 
whiskers: bigotes 

 beak: pico
 scales: escamas
 shell: caparazón / concha
 horns: cuernos 

  • HEAD:  a mouth, a nose, , a trunk (trompa), ears, eyes, hair, teeth (a tooth) dientes, horns(cuernos)
  • BODY: a neck, fins(aletas), arms, feet(a foot),legs

Grammar: Verb to have: verbo tener

They have got fur: Tienen pelo

They haven't got wings :No tiene alas

Have they  got  tails? : ¿Tienen cola?

Short answers
Yes, they have :  Si, tienen
No, they haven't :  No, no tienen


Have rhinos got horns?

Have tigers got wings?

Have penguins got stripes?

Have monkeys got a tail?

Have leopards got spots?

Have lion got fur?


Snakes have got..............

Pandas have got..............

Zebras have got ...............

Rhinos have got...............

Parrots have got..............

stripes (2) - spots - wings - horns - 

p. 60  Unit 5  Activity 3  Ask and answer


1   1 ) TIGERS


1- Have they got stripes?

2- Can they fly?

3- Are they fast?

4- Where do they live?



   1 -   Have they got feathers?

   2  - Can they swim?

   3  - Are they red?

   4  - Where do they live?


In the Pole – In the grassland –

Yes, they have – No, they haven’t –

Yes, they can – No, they can’t

Yes, they are – No, they aren’t


p. 62 nº 3 True or false





They are balck and white.

They live in the Pole.

They can swim very well.

They have got feathers and wings, but they can't fly.

They eat fish.

I like penguins.

Let's save penguins!


Body / Description Verb to have got (tener en singular)
  • It's (has) got big ears.
  • It's got a short tail.
  • It hasn't got legs.
  • It hasn't got a yellow head.
  • Has it got four legs? Yes, it has/ No, it hasn't

What's your favourite animal in danger?

1- Is it a gorilla? Yes, it is
2- Is it a seal? No, it isn't
3-Is it a hippo?
4-Is it a panda?
5-Is it a tortoise?
6-Is it a tiger?
7-Is it a whale?
8-Is it a panda?

Which animal do you like best?

Grammar: Verb to be: vebo ser 

Are they big? ¿Son grandes?
Yes, they are: Si, son
No, they aren't: No son
They aren't balck and white: No son blancos y negros

Are they brown? 
Are they small ? 
Are they grey? 
They are: son
They aren't: no son

ADJETIVES:  long, short, beautiful, strong, intelligent, fast, slow.

furry: peludos
big: grandes
small: pequeños
funny: divertidos
dangerous: peligrosos
lively: inquietos
quiet: silenciosos
black: negros, brown: marrones, grey: grises...
friendly: amistosos

Colour Verb to be (singular)
  • The snake is green.
  • It's black and white.
  • Is it brown? Yes, it is/ No, it isn't
  • It's long.
  • It's very small.
  • It isn't big.
  • It isn't very short.
  • Is it log? Yes, it is / No, it isn't

Present simple 

eat: comer
drink: beber
fight: luchar
play: jugar
sleep: dormir
walk: andar
live; vivir

They play: ellos juegan
They walk: ellos andan
They fight: ellos luchan
The sleep: ellos duermen
They drink: ellos beben 
They eat: ellos comen

They don't play: ellos no juegan
They don't walk: ellos no andan
They don't fight: ellos no luchan
They don't sleep: ellos no duermen
They don't drink: ellos no beben
They don't eat: ellos no comen

Habitat Verb to live: vivir

  • Jungle, desert, river, ocean, sea, lake, mountain, forest (bosque), savannah, Pole North, farm, home.
  • Classification: Terrestial (on land), aquatic (in water), aerial (in air).

  • Whales live in oceans.
  • Do they live in water? Yes, they do/ No, they don't

They live: viven
The don't live: no viven

In the oceans: en los océanos
In the forest: en el bosque
In the savannah: en la sabana

  • Carnivours: small animals, insects, fish, meat.
  • Herbivours: plants, grass, leaves, fruit, flowers.

They eat: comen
They don't eat: no comen

plants: plantas
grass: hierba
meat: carne
fish: pescado 

Food Verb to eat: comer / like: gustar
  • Gorillas eat bananas.
  • They like green leaves.
  • They don't eat meat.
  • Do they eat plants? Yes, they do/ No, they don't

Wild Animals:

tiger: tigre
monkey: mono
crocodrile: cocodrilo
snake: serpiente
cheetah: guepardo

elephant: elefante
chameleon: camaleón
hare: liebre
parrot, zebra, python, monkey, gorilla, lion, flamingo, hippo, rhino, giraffe, whale, dolphin, shark.


cat: gato
parrot: loro
bird: pájaro
turttle: tortuga
rabbit: conejo
fish: pez
lizard: lagartija
hamster: hamster
frog: rana
dog, mouse

Farm animals: horse, hen, pig, cow, chicken

Types of animals:

mammals: mamíferos
reptiles: reptiles
birds: aves   

   · Mammals
   · Birds
   · Reptiles


They are big. They can swim but they can't fly. They have got big teeth and a long tail. They live in water and on land. They eat meat.