

giant: gigante

superhero: superhéroe
pirate: pirata
monster: monstruo

astronut: astronauta

prince: príncipe

princess: princesa

spy: espía
dragon: dragón
storyteller: contador/a de cuentos/ narrador/a

cute: lindo/a
brave: valiente
kind: amable
clever: inteligente
strong: fuerte
scary: terrorífico/a

good: bueno/a  -  bad: malo/a
big: grande  -  small: pequeño/a
tall: alto/a -  short: bajo/a
happy: feliz  -  sad: triste
strong: fuerte

good: bueno
bad: malo
happy: feliz
sad: triste
big: grande
small: pequeño
tall: alto
short: bajo
sad: triste
tall: alto
short: bajo
small: pequeño
big: grande

spy: espía

storyteller: contadora de cuentos

pirate: pirata

monster: monstruo

superhero: super héroe

dragon: dragón 

happy: feliz

sad: triste

good: bueno

bad: malo

short: bajo

tall: alto

big: grande

small: pequeño

The book is about a giant.

El libro trata sobre un gigante.

Is she happy? ¿Está ella feliz?

Yes, she is: Si, ella está.

No, she isn't : No, ella no está.

What characters are there in you favourite books?

¿Qué personajes hay en tus libros favoritos?



Vocabulary p. 26

Onions: cebollas
Tomatoes: tomates
Olives: aceitunas
Sweetcorn: maíz
Cheese: queso
Pineapple: piña
Tuna: atún
Peppers: pimientos

Para preguntar qué alimentos te gustan, decimos:

DO + YOU + LIKE + alimento?
Do you like onions? Yes, I do  /  No, I don'T
¿Te gustan las cebollas? Si /No
Do you like tomatoes?
Do you like olives?
Do you like sweetcorn?
Do you like cheese?
Do you like pineaple?
Do you like peppers?
Do you like tuna?


good: bueno
bad: malo
happy: feliz
sad: triste
big: grande
small: pequeño
tall: alto
short: bajo

interesting: interesante
funny: divertido
exciting: emocionante
beautiful: bonito

Hablar sobre un libro. Ejemplo:

The book is about  dragons.

El libro trata de dragones.

They are scary.

Son terroríficos.

There's a princess in the story. She's brave.

Hay una princesa en el cuento. Ella es valiente.

The story is exciting. 

El cuento es emocionante.

Pag. 34 - 35

Look and answer


1  Who's this?   She's a giant   

    Is she small?  No, she isn't

2 - Who's this?  

 Is she brave?

3- Who's this?   

Is he strong?

4 - Who's this?  

 Is she kind?

5- Who's this?   

Is she strong?

6- Who's this?   

Is she tall?

7- Who's this?  

 Is he kind?

8- Who's this?  

 Is he rude? 

9- Who's this?  

 Is she good?

10- Who's this?  

 Is he bad?


1) Copy and translate

I am strong

You are brave

He is good

She is kind

It is bad

We are cute

You are happy

They are sad


2) Write negative


3) Write interogative

4) Answer


Are you clever? V  Yes, I am

                           X   No, I am not


Is he cute?        V   Yes,  he is 

                           X   No, he isn't


Are they brave? V  Yes, they are

                            X  No, they aren't


Are you strong?  V

Is she kind?  X

Are they clever?  V

Are you happy?  V

Is he sad?  X

Are they scary?  X

Project  example

My favourite  book is "El pirata garrapata" It's about pirates, they are strong. I think the book is funny